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8. OGC Conformance Testing

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) provides tests which can be run free of charge to make sure a server is compliant with a certain specification. This chapter provides a quick tutorial to setup the WMS and OGC API Features tests on an Ubuntu system. A detailed documentation can be found at the OGC website.

8.1. pyogctest

pyogctest is a Python tool dedicated to run OGC tests easily. The installation may be done in a virtual environment:

git clone https://github.com/pblottiere/pyogctest
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e pyogctest/

8.2. WMS 1.3.0 test suite

To run the WMS 1.3.0 test suite with success, a specific test dataset is needed. It can be downloaded using pyogctest:

./pyogctest.py -s wms130 --download

After the download, a teamengine_wms_130.qgs project is available in the new data directory. This project has to be registered as the default project for QGIS Server thanks to the QGIS_SERVER_PROJECT_FILE environment variable. This way, we don’t need to explicitly set the MAP vendor-parameter of QGIS Server.

A specific configuration is also necessary to comply with metadata tests. Indeed, some metadata are available in the data/metadata directory and have to be available for the OGC testing framework thanks to an URL. The easiest option is to configure your web server to have an access through something like http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/metadata/Autos.xml. These metadata URLs are defined in the project and inserted in the WMS GetCapabilities document. So the project needs to be updated according to your testing environment to let QGIS Server generate a valid XML document:

./pyogctest.py -s wms130 -m http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/metadata

Now that everything is properly configured, we can run the WMS 1.3.0 test suite:

./pyogctest.py -s wms130 -u http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/qgisserver
========================== OGC test session starts ============================
testsuite: WMS 1.3.0
collected 184 items

data-independent::basic_elements::version-negotiation::negotiate-no-version .
data-independent::basic_elements::version-negotiation::negotiate-basic_elements-version .
data-independent::basic_elements::version-negotiation::negotiate-higher-version .

=========================== 184 passed in 40 seconds ===========================

8.3. OGC API Features test suite

To run the OGC API Features 1.0 test suite, a test dataset is needed. Considering that the underlying QGIS project doesn’t need specific configuration for this test suite, we can use the .qgs file provided in the training repository:

git clone https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Training-Data
ls QGIS-Training-Data/exercise_data/qgis-server-tutorial-data/world.qgs

After the download, a world.qgs project is available in the qgis-server-tutorial sub directory. This project has to be registered as the default project for QGIS Server thanks to the QGIS_SERVER_PROJECT_FILE environment variable. This way, we don’t need to explicitly set the MAP vendor-parameter of QGIS Server.

Now that everything is properly configured, we can run the OGC API Features 1.0 test suite:

./pyogctest.py -s ogcapif -u http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/qgisserver

=========================== OGC test session starts ============================
collected 56 items

collections::FeatureCollections::retrieveApiModel .
collections::FeatureCollections::noOfCollections .
collections::FeatureCollections::requirementClasses .

=========================== 56 passed in 24 seconds ============================